Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I Want to See the World

This weekend, I was cleaning out my old binders... and I happened to find a piece of paper I wrote on naming all the places I want to see in the world! I think this was sometime in February of 2008. I remember I was taking World History in my Sophomore year... and I was inspired to travel around the world to go sight-seeing and experience new cultures and activities! Here is exactly what I wrote on that piece of paper (in alphabetical order, haha) :)


Let's Travel!

- Egypt
- Morocco (Feed Africans!)
- The Nile River

- Fly Over
- See other animals (Polar bear)
- See penguins

- Beijing, China
- Boracay, Philippines
- Cheju-do, South Korea (Nice honeymoon spot!)
- Chocolate Hills, Philippines
- Disneyland, Hong Kong
- Disneyland, Tokyo
- Dubai
- Great Wall of China
- Harajuku, Japan
- Kyoto, Japan
- Pusan, South Korea
- Seoul, South Korea
- Singapore (Break their rules!)
- Thailand
- Vietnam

- I Don't Know Any Cities (See a Kangaroo!)
- See my Auntie Leng Leng
- Sydney (Nemo!)

- Athens, Greece
- Austria (Holocaust Concentration Camp)
- Barcelona, Spain (Naked beach, LOL!)
- Germany (Candra)
- Ireland (See a leprechaun?! =O)
- London, England
- Milan, Italy (Pidgeons!)
- Paris, France (Eiffel Tower)
- Rome, Italy (Stairs, Fountain)

North/Central America:
- Alaska (Igloo!)
- Cancun, Mexico (Spring break?!)
- Caribbean Sea (Cruise!)
- Disney World, Florida
- Diving in the Bahamas (Go diving!)
- Mississippi River
- New York Time Square (MTV)
- Point of Four-States
- Toronto, Canada (Ate CJ)
- Universal Studios Florida
- Vancouver, Canada
- Washington D.C.

South America:
- Amazon Rain Forest (Save rain forests!)
- Brazil
- Peru


LOL. Some of that stuff is random! I'd like to make a few changes, and add tons more to that list. Hahaha. ^-^* It's interesting to reflect back on the things going on in my mind last year! I guess I still haven't changed all THAT much. I still want to see most of those places. Gee, I really enjoy traveling, going sight-seeing, taking pictures, and learning about new cultures. :] Especially ASIAN CULTURE! ^__^; I'd be content enough if I can cross of ten places on that list! I guess I have to edit that list first, huh?! I'll write a blog in the future with my updated list-- don't worry about that! HAHA! :]

For now... I'm gonna end my blog here. =) SAYOUNARA!


Missy said...

You can reach those places just study hard and be successful in your life hehehe

Chicha said...

I've been to London and Paris. I love those cities!