Friday, December 12, 2008

Kosen Exchange (=

So on Wednesday, Japanese 3 & 4 had a study trip to Kosen (again). Haha! (: It was pretty funnn! =D I got paired up with a friend I met on Sports Day; her name's Miki! :D Goshh, I had to do a self-introduction in front of the whole class with my classmate Ian. LOL, I was so nervous & I felt so retarded. >_<" But I'm just happy I got through it ^-^" After that, I had to sit in math class with her-- which was totally boring... but we were making side-remarks with each other from time to time. Haha! xD

Then at lunch, everyone went to the cafeteria! :] I got to see my friends Jo & TK. It was pretty cool reuniting with them again at the school where we all met, haha! OH! And I got to give my cards/letters to TK, which was like a month belated! Hahaha, my bad-- I'm so forgetful. >_<" Anyway, after lunch... we got into groups of 6, and we all did some activity. =) My group listened to 2nd year students do presentations.. and we ended up getting split into another group but this time with Japanese students... hahaha. :D I met this girl named Shoko and traded e-mail address with her! ^-^" Then I also met these other guys in the group--- but they were pretty boring -__- so I didn't get their contact info. Haha. :P But yeah, afterwards... we had to help clean their school because it was a daily routine for them. :] It wasn't that bad though, haha. *;]

OU! After school hours, they threw us a party... with food & stuff. :D I also met this girl named Misaki; she hung out with Shoko that's why. Then, we even exchanged e-mail addresses too! Haha. I wanted to meet this other girl who always waved at me the entire day-- but I never got to officially meet her. >_<" Haha, oh well. Lol. x) OH! And then at the party, this one guy made a speech before we ate the food--- and I was like "Guddo Jobbu!" and he looked at me like I was retarded. Hahaha. Then a couple minutes later, I ended up talking to him and everything. He was reallyyy nice & I found out his name was Shoya. :) I thought he was some school leader because he made that speech and was super cool about everything. Lols. xD We talked for awhile too, but we could hardly understand each other! x] Then Jo appeared out of no where to perform his dance for us, so I stopped talking to Shoya. x_x"

Then TK was there too- talking with Tony.. and I didn't even realize he was there! xD Tony and I ended up meeting TK's Indonesian friend! He was sooo cool because he could speak really good English! xD And me and Tony acted such dorks asking him how he got to be an international student. x) Gahh... I had sooo much fun on the study trip because I met lots of new friends and practiced my Japanese! :D GOSH! LOL. =] I love Japan when it comes to learning about the culture and language and such... *;]

Now the only thing I'm looking forward to sometime soon is... WINTER BREAK! xD
:D Laters, dudes! =]

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Adventure in Hachinohe! (^-^*)

AHHH! OMG! (: I had a blast yesterday! =D

So my mom let me hang out with my friends the entire day yesterday! =D I left my house at like 9am and met up with Tony at Misawa Town Hall. :] We ended up walking to the Misawa Train Station and got there at like 9:50am or something. LOL, it was hilarious! We almost got hit by a speeding truck, haha. & It started drizzling on the way there. Oh yeahh, and when we got there... we didn't know which ticket to buy to Hachinohe, so we ended up buying an Express ticket. Lol, goshhh. I was soo nervous to catch the train for the first time! x] Good experience, mann... good experience. *;]

Anyway, when we got to Hachinohe... I went to go fix my hair in the bathroom-- and I ended up bumping into our Japanese friends - Honami & Mami - that we were meeting up with! Hahaha! (: After that, it was all kinda rushed o_O* Me and Tony just followed them.. and we ended up riding a bus to Cino. ^-^* I called up TK and told him where we were going. :] So when we got to Cino, we ended up taking PIKURA! =D Then TK finally came, and we took another PIKURA... then tried winning prizes on those claw-machine thingies. Haha! (: TK won me a Pink Panther doll keychain thing, and Tony ended up winning 2 prizes for Honami & Mami! :) Suchhh nice boys =) Haha, and then Tony & TK raced each other on Mario Kart.. hahaha :D Tony ended up winning-- but it was a really good game! :D

After that, we all decided to go eat lunch. Tony was hungry for Japanese food... so we ate at this Udon shop.. haha :] I didn't really know what to get, so I just got the same thing as Honami & Mami... and Tony and TK got the same thing as each other--- what HOMOs! Hahaha just kidding :P Ou yeah, then THEY all decided to go to a karaoke bar... and I was like "No no that's okay! I'm shy!" BUT TONY really wanted to go, so I'm like *sigh* OKAY. Hahaha. LOL, funny thing was that I forgot my hat in the restaurant.. so I ended up going back to get it! x_x" What a looooser! Lol. OH! So when we were walking to the karaoke place, it started snowing! & I started flipping out! LMAO! Extra-extreme DORK material I tell you! >.<

Sooooo... we stayed at the karaoke bar for a couple of hours. :) Tony had a concert... hahahaha! It was fricken hilarious! XD Songs I'll Remember: "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" - "I Want It That Way" - "Barbie Girl" - "Bleed It Out".... LMAO. ~sigh~ (: Tony met up with his other two Shogyo friends... Kurika & Chika :D They joined us in the karaoke place! ^-^I'm glad I made new friends.. sorta! =] Hehe. But Tony had a curfew; he could only stay until 5pm. So we told our Japanese friends, and they seemed like they were in a rush! O_o* As soon as we left the karaoke place, Honami called a taxi! Me and Tony were like... "Huuuuuh?! We wanna hang out more!" Ohhh well.. >_<" Honami & TK ended up escourting us back to the train station. So we ended up going home pretty earlier than expected. =P

On the train ride back, we didn't take the express. Instead we almost got confused on which one was our train stop! Hahaha. Good thing, a nice woman helped us out ^-^" BUT OMG. I'm sooo stupid! I forgot to take the ticket from the train station in Hachinohe, so when we came back to Misawa... I thought I wasn't gonna be able to go through the door without my ticket! >_<" Luckily, the man said it was okay & that next time I should remember... MY GOSH! I felt sooo dumb! Hahaha. *SIGH*

Tony's mom ended up picking us up, and they dropped me off in front of the main gate. I had to help my auntie & mom with the booth stands (: It was FREEZING cold outside, OMG! >_<" I stayed there for like four hours! LoL, but I met new Japanese people! (: And random customers waved hi to me or said that I was "Kirei" or "Kawaii"... LOL, wth. O_o Hahaha. But yeahh, I came home at almost 10pm! >_<"

It was a prettyyyy fun, but busy dayyy! BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! :)
I wanna have more adventures like these in Japan.... :D
Makes me feel like everything's okay,
when sometimes it's not...

I'm tired, so I'll end this!



Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's Snowing!

OMG! (: Long time no update--- AGAIN. Haha, sorry! >_<*

Anyway, three days ago--- November 19--- it started snowing! I was sooo excited and so happy that day! :D Then the following two days, it started melting. =( It felt, to me, like some sort of magic trick. It's right there... and then in moments it disappears! Hahaha! But everyone told me that's not how it's going to be in Winter. They said... once it snows, IT STAYS. Lol. xD Today it started snowing again! (Well last night...) AND NOW IT'S ALL WHITE OUTSIDE-- again! Hahaha! I wish we had a fireplace so it could be all cozy like how I always imagined it to be. :P Hmm, anyway. This is just quick blog... so I'm out already! Byeee! :]

Saturday, November 08, 2008

New Friends Again ^-^*

Ahh, I totally keep forgetting I have a BlogSpot, haha. c[;*

Anyway, the other day ago (November 6), students from Hachinohe Shogyo High School came over to our school. :) I got to host a Japanese student named Miku! ^__^ Ahh! It was totally fun and exciting for me! =] It's funny because when I stood up to meet her, a lot of the other Japanese students were saying "O! Kawaii!!!" Hahaha. Yoko, James, Tony, and many others got to host a student too! :) My partner didn't really speak that much English, so I was trying to speak Japanese to her. My gosh, it was so difficult.. but at least I got to practice! :D

The fun part about it was that I met a lot of new friends! We traded phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and I even got their Mixi! Hahahaha *:]

This week had been tough on me... & now all I want is just to be happy and have some fun. Rawr. ~sigh~

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Awesome Week (=

Ahh! Sorry again for not updating as much as I used to! There was so much that happened this week! I had a great birthday night on my Birthday! =) Grr, my school day sucked. That's for sure! =/ But screw whatever happened, you know? Haha! It was awesome how my friends were able to eat out for dinner for my birthday at the VERY LAST MINUTE! Hahahaha :P My mom told me I could spend time with friends, so the whole night I was practically gone. =] After school... me, Bow, & Akiko picked up Jo & TK at the Misawa Train Station! =D Ahh! They were able to come to my birthday too, at the last minute! I was so happy because they came all the way to Misawa just to eat dinner & hang out with me! =D So, yeah. Jo & TK met my parents because we stopped by so I could get money... and my mom bought me an ice cream cake! OMG! =D Then we drove to a restaurant called Coco's, where we met up with Yoko & Vangie. =] They got me a IKUTA TOMA poster, Bow got me a balloon, roses, & a teddy bear, Akiko got me the NEWS CD & Tegoshi's poster, Jo got me a mixed CD of Japanese songs, and TK got me a Pooh Bear doll with a letter! (= AHHH! Hehehe I loveee my friends so much! =) Dinner was fun because we played an introduction game, and we sang Happy Birthday to me... but Yoko & Vangie had to leave early. >_<* So after dinner, the rest of us went to take those Japanese booth sticker picture things! Hahaha ^__^; Then, yeah. We dropped off Jo & TK back to the train station and yepp. Overall, it was a fun night & I ended up happy in the end! =]

Hmm... then we had no school on Hallooween! =) I was sooo busy that day (Friday). My family and I went to Hachinohe because my dad was shopping for birthday gifts for my mom & me. =D Guess what?! I got an Ipod Classic! YAY! (Finally.. a new ipod! Haha!) && My mom got a cool photography camera... XD After going to Hachinohe, we went to Shimoda to eat and I bumped into Akiko & Bow! Then after that, we went to the BX and took my brother to "get candy" in his Pikachu outfit. *;] We ended up staying at some Filipino "Halloween" party, and I got to hang out with Kathy, Robert, Kenneth, etc. :) That was pretty fun! =D I was soooo tired after that whole day! XD

THEN OMG! Yesterday was Bow's 19th Birthday! We ate dinner at Viking's, which was superrr delicious! :D After we ate, we went to the football game for a little bit... but it was cold so we left. & We stopped by Akiko's house & Bow's house... then we drove off to Hachinohe! Whoot whoot! Hmm, we ended up meeting up with Jo & TK and we also met some of their friends. And umm. Let's see... IT WAS A REALLY FUN NIGHT! Gahh, it was pretty funny & chaotic... and a little heart-breaking, but overall.. it was soo exciting & unexpected! The best part of my night... was that... I got a kiss on the cheek from TK! =D XD Omggggg. =) Hahaha! But yeah, we went back to Misawa- SAFELY- and slept over Bow's house. =) Earlier today, we ate at the BX food court for lunch and drove down to Hachinohe again... to fix some problems. I'm just sooo glad to be back at home- feeling better & relieved!

but I gotta admit.. I love my best friends---
Akiko, Bow, Jo, & TK! =)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

HNCT Festival (^__^;)

AHH! Sorry long time no blog, BlogSpot. (>_<*) BUT OMG. This week has been the best! =) I guess I'll consider it my birthday week since I'm doing nothing at all for my sweet sixteen. =/ Hrm. Soooo yeah! :) On Sunday night, I went on a field trip to Yokota for the College Fair at ASIJ (American School in Japan). It was actually pretty tiring, but I got to hang out with Yoko & Bow. =) Oh, and of course checked up/sign up for some international colleges, hehe. That's all that matters! Haha! :D That's not the best part of my week though... >:D

Today, I had another field trip with Japan Club. =D Yep, same place. Hachinohe National College of Technology (HNCT). It wasn't a Sports Day like last time; it was a FESTIVAL! Akiko & Yoko went to Sendai for the NEWS Concert, so it was just me, Bow, Marjorie, & Vangie in one group. Guess who our tour guides were again?! Yeeeep, Jo & Kyosuke (We call him TK now)! :) Ahhhhhh. It was soooo fun! :D We got to walk around and buy some food, but first we watched a bunch of rock bands play! =) It was pretty cool seeing a bunch of Japanese students bouncing around... hahahaha. xD After eating, we walked around the school looking at the types of classes they offered. It was pretty interesting to see all the technology! x] Hehe. Then after that, we went to the HAUNTED HOUSE. Okayy. That was the best part of my day. (: So like, we had to be split into three groups, and since there was six of us... we had to be paired up. Guess who I got paired up with? ...... TK! XD Hahaha, I swear Jo & Bow set us up! =P Hahaha, Marjorie was freaking out BIG TIME because she wanted to be in the middle. LOL. So me and TK ended up being last to go inside. Gahh, I was honestly nervous so I ended up grabbing onto TK's arm the entire time. Hahahaha. And he was grabbing onto me too because he was scared! LMAO! XD It was fricken hilarious! My heart was beating so fast after it ended, and I turned kinda pink. Lol. x) *sigh. But it was superrrrrrr fun! ^__^; Rawr... oh. We wanted to go to the fashion show, but we were running out of time. We just ended up having a presentation & discussion with everyone in the Club that lasted for like 30 minutes. >_<* At least we got to sing a song.. lol & eat more food! =) After that, we had to head off and get ready to leave! =(

Ahhh. I took a bunch of pictures, so I updated my Friendster, once again. :) Wheee! =D I can't wait until next weekend for Bow's Birthday Celebration! Hehe. :D We get to hang out with TK & Jo again. x) YAYAYAY! Wheee, I'm so tired right now. I'm gonna head off to bed. Goodnight! ^__^;

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I just woke up...

I just woke up an hour ago (12:45am) from a nap that I took at 5pm! Hahahaha. AMAZING! o_O* Akiko was calling me and my phone was vibrating & everything. Blahhhh, my phone was on silent when I received text messages... that's why when I woke up, I got so much texts! People were like... "Why aren't you texting back?!" LOL! xP My bad! I was napping! >_<* Haha! This week has been SO tiring for me! xP

I had a week full of tests... AGAIN. That even includes the PSAT test! XP My gosh, I think I did sooo bad on that! =( Grrreatttt. I'm already screwing up my grades and opportunities. -__-* I really need to get my lazy butt into gear! xP At least... a bunch of interesting things happened this week too. Rawr* I got to talk to Kyosuke on MSN every night of this week (except tonight because he had work & I was napping, lol). It's really fun trying to speak Japanese to him, and he tries to speak English to me! It's amazing how we can actually communicate still! 8D Wheee!

OH OH OH! And on Sunday Night, I'm leaving for the ASIJ College Fair Trip thing... babyyy! Heck yes! =D I finally get to leave the Prefecture for once... lol! x) I'm so exciteddd even if I don't really know who's going. xP Hmm.. and next week Saturday... I GET TO GO ON ANOTHER FIELD TRIP to the Hachinohe Kosen (again) for their Fall Festival! =] I almost forgot it's my Sweet 16 very soon... >_<* Blah, I wish I complete forgot about it... that way I don't have to get bummed by the fact that it's going to be a lame birthday this year. Oh well... *sigh* There's other things to look forward to... :] It's 2AM right now, so I'm going to sleep! =D Oyasumi nasai! ^__^;

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hachinohe, again... (:

This weekend has been pretty busy. x) Today I went to Hachinohe, again... like most weekends. I really like going there NOW for some reason. *;] Rawr. So we went to the beach (I forgot what it was called), but it was also like a park. =) My mom and I just had our normal photoshoots... hahaha. We're camera-whores! XD I posted up some of the pics on my Friendster. =D After that, we went to KFC and ate there, then we went to Pia-Do Mall. :) Omg, I had like three Japanese books in my bag, and everytime I went through the doors of any store, it always BEEPED! >_<* Everybody stared and the employees rushed towards me. MY GOSH, how embarrassing! x( My dad kept making fun of me and saying that my braces made the security thing beep. Hahaha! xD We ended up going home at around 6ish, and I fell asleep on the car ride home... hehe. =)

Oh yeah, and great news! I FINALLY GOT A MIXI! Hahaha. I've been trying to get one since I was back in Hawaii... but you can only get a Mixi if you're invited by someone & if you have a keitai address. However, my keitai address doesn't work, but Akiko let me use hers! =D She is totally the BEST EVER! x) Haha, no homo though. 0=] Ohhh, & my friend Jaron... is always showing off how well he speaks/knows Japanese. Lol... grr, he's so arrogant, it kinda makes me a little pissed off! Haha! XP ANYWAY... this whole weekend, I've been e-mailing my Japanese friend, Kyousuke, that I met from the college (Kosen)! =D & I think it's really cute how his English is so twisted! Lololol, that's okay because he's probably laughing at my Japanese! Hahaha xD I think it's really fun e-mailing him; it's something to always look forward to! =)

Hmm... it's almost 11:30pm. & I haven't even started homework during the whole 3-day weekend. =( LOL, so I better get started.... or... maybe I'll just go to sleep & not do it. Haha, rebel...! >_<* Hehe, oyasumi! =)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Finally.... PICTURES! =]

Check my Friendster for the pics.
[Click the Japan 2008 Album or the Japan School Album.]

Ahh.. I know, I know. I don't update this on a daily basis, but I kinda sorta do? x) Guess what?!?!? I finally uploaded pictures! =D It's been over a month since I posted anything up... so I finally caught up!

Anyway, today wasn't any big deal or anything. It was really hot when I woke up and when I went outside... it was sunny, so I decided to wear shorts because the weather in Misawa is hardly ever like that. =P THEN, when we got on base... it got super windy & COLD. Omg, LOL. How retarded of me to wear shorts. >_<* Oh well... at least I survived. =P Ohhhh! So there's this Japanese kid that plays with my brother and our other neighbors. He is so adorable since he can't speak English! I actually got to use some of my Japanese skills on him! =D And he understood meee! =) YAYYY... :D Lol. Hmm, and I went to little Jared's birthday party. =D I ate so much food... I'm seriously a fat pig. x_x* I need to lose weight.... no kidding! xP

Lol, this week has been pretty tough on me. I was stressed & crammed with school/homework/tests. I'm getting pretty sucky grades. >_<* I wish I can raise them up by the end of the quarter... =( Not only that, but I think my love life went down the drain too........ =( Ahck. I won't share details on here because it's just too personal. xP Well, it's 12AM... so I'm gonna head off for bed! =) G'Night!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Hachinohe Kousen :]

Today was really fun! :] We went to Hachinohe Kousen for a field trip, and I got to play volleyball. HAHAHAHA, dang I sucked big time! >_<* I actually served pretty good the first two times, because we scored two points! :D Then on the next rotation after that, my serve wasn't even a serve! It was more like... I dropped the ball because of my clumsiness! LOL, and there was a bunch of Japanese students watching, which made it so embarassing! x_x* Haha, oh yeah. & since we were all on the same volleyball team, Akiko, Bow, DeJuan, and I met new friends! :D They were our "guides" around the school--- four guys. :] There was one of them named Hiromi, and he was totally outgoing & friendly! It wasn't even awkward being around them because he made us feel comfortable! :D After lunch time, we decided to cruise around for a bit. These two girls were suppose to guide us around their whole campus, but we decided to go watch the other guys play THEIR volleyball game. =) Omg, it was pretty hilarious because we were making fun of a bunch of people. Not in a mean way, but we did that just so we weren't bored, you know?! LOL. x) Oh and Akiko, Bow, and I were looking for any "good looking" Japanese boys. Lol, and right before we were going to leave, we decided to talk to the guys that we met. Bow invited them to her birthday in the beginning of next month, and we all exchanged numbers. *cough* Now, I really want a Keitai Address! I want to text people from Docomo & AU. x) LOL, man. I love living in Japan! xD

Too bad that we didn't get one last picture with our four-guides. That's okay though, because we're all going to meet up again in a couple of weeks! :] OH YEAH, and I really hope my dad lets me go to Tokyo for the College Fair. *crosses fingers* hehe. I'm tired, so I'm ending this blog! OYASUMI! ^__^;

Monday, October 06, 2008

I did homework ! =)

What a miracle! I actually did my homework! HAHAHA! I started at 4:30pm and finished at 11:20pm. OMG, crazyyy right?! That's because I procrastinated & over-achieved my work... once again. -__-* Lol. I'm super tired right now. =/ I want to sleep soon, but I'm craving for spam musubi. LOL, what a fatty ! x)

So... I have a bunch of tests this whole week! >_<* I need to study... big time. I have a lot of homework for my A-day classes, but luckily... I'm going on a field trip on Wednesday! MUWAHAHA! >:] I still have to study for Physics though, because my teacher is making me stay after school to take the test... gosh, sooo gay! x_x* I'm totally going to fail it =( I don't understand anything in that class. OH YEAH, and I have a test tomorrow for Pre-Calculus... and I don't understand anything in that class either! Omg, I'm screwed! =/

I HOPE... I HOPE... I HOPE... I get good grades. >_<* --sigh--

Anyway, I didn't forget... but... I wonder if someone forgot...
Today marks the 11th. :]

Sunday, October 05, 2008

PMS Weekend...

I'm about to get that time of month-- very soon. I don't have it yet, but I KNOW I'm PMSing already. All this week I've had major mood swings, and you can pretty much say I had my days when it seemed like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. XP Haha. This weekend, I've been tired more than usual, and I haven't been upbeat at all. Everyone who's been texting me asks me.. "What's wrong?" or "What's bothering you?" Dang... I didn't know it's THAT obvious, ahah. >_<* So today after church, I went to the circus in Shimoda. :P Pretty cool. Haha. OH YEAH. And I've been eating TONS of food lately. Those who know HOW MUCH I eat.. oh boy, this weekend I probably ate 3x more than I normally do! I feel sooo fat, but I keep craving for more to go down my tummy! Hahahaha. OH YEAH, and I ripped my favorite jeans! XP I'm not kidding, omg. LOL, my mom was the one who saw it. She's like "Are your panties pink, orange, and yellow?" And I'm like... "Huh?" And she took a picture of my butt, LMAO. x) We were cracking up about it the whole day... Hahahaha. :] Yeah, I'm definitely a fat kid. =P

RAWR. :P I guess the highlight of my weekend is getting to talk to JARON! x) He's my church friend from Hawaii. :] He moved to Aichi, Japan... so we actually got to talk to each other on the phone & everything. Haha. Well anyway, I have nothing else to say so, I'll end my blog here, hehe.

Friday, October 03, 2008

What a Friday :]

I had a pretty okay day at school. Nothing interesting really happened. =P Same old, same old. x) OH WAIT! Hmm, oh yeah. After lunch, we were all waiting for the bell to ring... and Kingry came up to me to give me a hug, right? So then coincidentally, Crystel's dad pulled up right in front of the school and told Crystel to go to him. Then when Crystel came back, she told me that her dad was assuming that I was going out with Kingry & being all panicky that Crystel better not be doing "stuff" like I do. DUDE. I got soooo pissed off, I'm not even kidding.

First of all, I am PMSing, so it's easy to irritate me. Second of all, what the heck am I doing wrong?! I can't have guy friends? I can't get hugged by a friend? When a guy-friend hugs me, does it automatically mean I'm going out with them? OMG, please. -__-* One thing I dislike the most is when people have ASSUMPTIONS and when people automatically jump to BAD conclusions! Ugh, get your facts straight, yo`!. Thirdly, I honestly think I did nothing wrong. I wasn't the one who offered the hug, and I wasn't doing anything wrong when I hugged a friend, you know? I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not doing PDA like other people, and I'm not flirting with anyone. I just go with the flow; whatever happens happen, but I have morals & I do know what is right from wrong. Besides, I tell my parents everything they should know, and YES. They know what's going on in my life, so I don't need any other parents judging how I live because it's none of their business!

Hahahaha. I usually get over things quickly, so I got over this issue by the end of school. LOL, only now I remembered and wanted to vent out how ridiculous it was. >_<* LoL, I know I can be indecisive, but at the same time... I'm very opinionated. When I'm not in a "forced" situation, I know what I want and I have my ways to make a statement in what I highly believe in. =P Hahahaha, sooo ANYWAY.

I didn't catch bus after school today because I had too much things to carry. Instead, I went to my dad's office to drop off my heavy textbooks & my school stuff. Then I started texting people, and Akiko invited me to hang out... my dad said I could go, so Akiko picked me up and we went to the Food Court w/ Sherrie & Yoko. :] Guess what?! I had my favorite.... Very Berry Strawberry at Baskin Robins! ^__^; YAY, so yummy! Hehe. Then at 5pm, we went over to Akiko's place & just chilled. :D I loooooove her dog, Shinobi-Chan! Kawaii desu nee! :) Hehe, OH YEAH! && WE ATE SPAM MUSUBIS while watching TV. We were watching a bunch of J-Pop bands, like NEWS & what not. We pretty much just chilled and hung out; oh, and I helped Akiko with her AP Essay. :P It was pretty funnnn, then Yoko had to go to work and Akiko dropped me off at home like at 9:30 or something. ^-^;

I'm just glad my day ended pretty well. I seriously think that sometimes hanging out with certain people either.... bring me problems or leave me with no problems. :] As of now, I don't need the drama, you know? Haha... well. That is the end of my blog. I'm pooped out & ready to get some rest! Oyasumi! =D

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Another Busy A-Day...

Ahck, I seriously don't like A-Days; there's just too much work! I took a test today for my Comp. Apps class, and it was sooo complicated! I was stressing out trying to GUESS on the questions. =/ Then in US History, there was book work AND more notes to take down. -__-* Ohh yeah, and today in Physics, we corrected the quiz we took & I got a good grade on it, but I wanted a higher grade so that it would average out a better grade for my overall grade. >_<* Rawr. Then in AP English, we had to take a timed-essay, and it was super challenging. =/ I hope I did well on it though, but I re-read it after I was done.. and it didn't make any sense to me. =( Grrrrreat. School over here is way tougher & I'm just not used to it. x_x*

This week has been going pretty bad for me; things feel a little awkward. =/ Today was actually a pretty okay day. Not the best, but not that bad. Rawr, I still like Hawaii better a whole lot. & I terribly miss my friends there. My friends over here... they're great and all, but I don't feel the closeness as I do with my friends back in Hawaii. I guess it takes time to adapt & get used to everything. Haha speaking of this, I realized that the essay I wrote today was about "the attachment of a grouping of events in time", and for my analogy, I used the event about leaving Hawaii and getting attached to the people & place but having to accept change. Rawr* I poured my whole heart out on that essay, but my organization was "out-of-order" because I have a pretty random, jumbled mind. LOL. xP

Anyway, I'm gonna end this blog. I haven't cried in over a week, and I'm sooo happy about that. I need to stop dreading on the past, and I still have to accept this change in life. Here I go... optimism brings out the best there can be. *;]

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

No Morioka?...

Today was a very busy day for me. I woke up super early in the morning because my family & I were suppose to take a road trip to Morioka. However, we ended up going to Takko Town for the Beef & Garlic Festival. Haha, that was pretty interesting & yummy. :) My dad changed his mind and wanted to go to Morioka next weekend instead of today, so we ended up going home at 4pm. I've been reallyyy wanting to go to the homecoming dance for the past week, so I asked my dad if I could go. Guess what he said?..... Yepp, you got it. "No!"

I kept asking him why he wouldn't let me go, and he kept telling me that he didn't know the people there and he didn't trust anyone here. I BUGGED HIM so much that he finally made an acception. He was like, "If you go, I'm going with you." And I was like, "But that's soo weird.." LOL! Even my mom agreed with me! x) Haha, but he finally said "Yes" after I told him Bow & Akiko would pick me up and everything. :] YAY. Lol, the only problem was that everything was last minute! I didn't have a dress, my hair was screwed up, & I looked like CRAP. Ahahaha! So I used the dress I wore on the cruise last year (who cares, no one here saw it before :P) , my mom did my make-up (which I hesitated on, but I told her to put it REALLY lightly cause I hate make-up >_<*), & I fixed my own hair. ^__^; Yeah, that's the only girly thing I can ever do. =P Oh yeah, and I used my mom's shoes... hahaha! Akiko & Bow picked me up at 6pm, and we ate at Angelo's (Italian Restaurant). x) Yummy! :D

We arrived at Mokuteki at 7:45ish, after picking up Yoko at her house. =) RAWRRR. The dance was pretty fun! :) It was really tiring though; I'm just glad I didn't have my allergies kick in that much. =D Oh my gosh, LOL. So we went to go take a break, and Akiko, Bow, & Yoko went inside the Cafe area, and HOLY CRAP. I saw my parents & brother in there! & I was like... "What the.. are they doing here?!" -___-* I was sooo surprised and freaked out 'cause they FOLLOWED me. Ahahahaha. LoL, I literally ran out the door and I TRIPPED & FELL. >_<* I'm sooo used to being a clutz, that I had fast reflex and stood up really fast & was all like "I'm okay!" Even though nobody asked. x) Luckily, only Akiko, Bow, & Yoko saw that! LMAO, I ended up getting a cut/bruise on my left knee... ahahahaha, clumsy Lei. xP

Hmmm... soo, I had a pretty fun time overall. :] Gah, I was pretty paranoid by the end of the dance because Akiko told me my parents kept looking through the door. >_<* Oh, and at one point, I got kinda pissed off because Jhonalyn told me people were assuming me & Hanbete were going out, but we're nooooooooot and never will. Omg. -__-* Good thing I got over it in a jiffy. :) I feel so bad though because I said "No" to a couple of people that asked me to dance... and then like, ahhhh. Never mind. xP I just feel guilty. =/ Lol, & besides I was shy to be dancing with someone alone. RAWR. Oh yeah, but tonight... I talked to more people I never really used to before, and I made new friends again, hahaha :D The dance was over at 11pm, and I wanted to go chill some more... but my parents were waiting for me the entire time. =/ Sooo, I'm here, online. Tired, but blogging. =P I have to get off already though because I have church early tomorrow. =P

I have a lot of catching up to do with uploading pictures, I knooow. & I'm sorry! I'll do it soon, I promise! 0=) I've been too lazy that's why! Hahaha. Anyway, GOODNIGHT! =)

Friday, September 26, 2008


I just came back from the homecoming game an hour ago! x) Omg, I know I'm lame, but it was my first time- EVER- going to an actual football game! XD Hahaha. The weather was RIDICULOUS though; it was freezing cold out there at 50 °F!

So today we got out of school at 11:25am, but my dad drove me back on base for the football game at around 5:50pm. :) I hung out with Jhonalyn & Marjorie at first and ate at Popeye's with their family. x) Then we went back to the game at 7:00pm, and boooooy. Everyone was shivering and trying to huddle up to get some heat. x) The windy weather didn't really help either... NO JOKE! Myyy gosh, hahaha. I was shaking and jumping around, and my hands felt frozen. Everytime I had to text back someone, my fingers wouldn't even move at all! Hahaha. xD

Mostly, everyone stood up socializing.. well at least, that's what me and my friends did. x] After awhile, I started hanging out with Bow & Akiko. :D & They introduced me to Dyane, and I also met her two brothers-- Ken & Raymond. :] Yay, new friends! ^-^* Hmm... yeah. Everytime there was a touchdown, everyone would scream and yell & a few seconds later, we all just went back to chit chatting. x] They also announced the homecoming court nominees during half time. Congrats to Jieanne & Hanbete! :D Oh yeah, and there's this one girl that tripped and slammed so hard on the floor. All the guys were pointing and teasing at her; I felt so bad! LOL, but it was kinda funny... hahaha. x] How mean! XD

Soo... it was already third quarter by this time. & The score was 36 to 0. Yepp, we were winning. Hahaha. THEN SUDDENLY... it started pouring rain and a huge gust of wind came too! =/ Everyone was yelling "HURRICANE!" Ahahaha. Sooo lame! x] Mann... everyone started running towards the parking lot; everyone practically went home, because it was obvious who was gonna win anyway. x) Omg, you guys have nooo idea how cold it was! >_<* I was suppose to get a ride from Akiko, but my dad told me to just walk back to his office and get a ride from him. I was kinda pissed cause my dad made me walk there in the freezing weather. -__-* Man, I felt like a frozen ice cube by the time I got to his office. XP Rawr, but here I am now. :) All safe and warm... and wearing sweats, a jacket, socks, and a scarf INSIDE the house. LOL, omg.

Anyway, I'm gonna head off to sleep... I had a really tiring day/night but it was really really fun! xD I'm POOPED. Grawr, that reminds me.. I still want to go to the homecoming dance, but I can't. =( Ahh... so, I'll be posting up pictures on my Friendster by Sunday, if I have time. I'm tired & sleepy, so GOODNIGHT! ^__^; <3

FINAL SCORE: 42 to 0
Rep! Rep! :D

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Prep Rally >.<*

Today was Whacky Tacky Day. :P Again, I didn't dress up. >_<* Ahck, I like mixing and matching my clothes; but not mixing and NOT matching. xP Hahaha. That's okay though cause not a lot of people dressed up either. Hmm... & today wasn't really interesting. Just the same old, same old. I took pictures, but I'm too lazy to post it up. Besides, it's nothing big anyway. x) Ohhh! Today was our pep rally though.

I really miss MHS's pep rally, with the lip sync & everything outside on the football field. Over here, we just had it in the High School gym. o_O* It was actually fun though. You know what I hated about it?!.... JUNIOR CLASS SUCKS! -__-* Omg, back in Hawaii... Class of 2010 had the least spirit... and over here too?! x__x* It's like our class is cursed or something! xP How gay!

Anyway, I'm making more friends :) I think I'm actually friends with more Seniors & Sophomores than Juniors. x) Wow, it's pretty weird how things are over here. O_o* Hmm... but anyway. Tomorrow we're suppose to wear our school colors! x] Yayayay! GREEN & Gold :D

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pajama Day... =P

Aww, pooey. So today I didn't participate in the "Pajama" theme. =/ I SORTA did, but it was super cold in the morning so I decided not to wear the bottom part of my peejays. :) Crrrap. Last night, I fell asleep studying for Physics... >.<* I was SUPER tired when I woke up, and I was quiet during the first half of the day. Luckily, the Physics quiz moved up 'till next class period! =) YAY! By lunch time, I was finally upbeat and happy. :D Marjorie and Jhonalyn ditched me and Crystel at lunch though, because they wanted to eat at the food courts but Crystel wasn't allowed to go there. Sooo... it ended up being just me, Crystel, & Javier at lunch in the bowling alley. :P That's okay, hehe. x) Hmm, ohh and here are pictures from today! =D

Charlie (Tigger) and me in Physics class! :D
Kingry & Me in the Sophomore Hallways :)
JAVIER, the gingerbread man! xD
Me & Akiko after AP English :D
Crystel & Me :)
*I'm soo dark compared to her! >.<* Hanbete & James w/ me after school :)

So all and all, my day was pretty much okay. :] Nothing big really happened. I'm still super exhausted. & I have to go and do homework + study. Guess what!? Friday is early-release, which means we get off at 11:25am! OMG YAY! >:] && rawr. Akiko is still trying to convince me to go to homecoming with them.. and I REALLY want to! However, I just can't go. It's a SOLID for sure now... because we're going to Morioka this weekend... OMG I CAN'T WAIT! X) Hehe, tomorrow is Whacky Tacky Day :)... I don't know if I'll dress up; we'll have to wait & see. *;]

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hawaiian Day :]

So, this week is homecoming week! :D Omg, I was so nervous dressing up for school today. I didn't really have anything "Hawaiian" style, so I just wore a babydoll top & put some leis on. *;] When I got on the bus in the morning, NO ONE ELSE was wearing Hawaiian clothes, and I got soooo freaked 'cause I thought I'd be the only one. xP Surprisngly, when we got to school... A TON of people were dressed up, and the hallways looked AMAZING! xD It was the first time I ever seen anything so decorated and what not :P I recorded a video this morning because I was sooo stunned by the hallways, and Jhonalyn wanted me to post it up... hahaha! x)

Since we had no school yesterday, "Powderpuff Day" was canceled. -__-* That's when the guys dress up as girls & vise-versa. So in rebellion, a couple of people cross-dressed today... hahaha it was HILARIOUS! :] Here are some pictures :D

This is Mr. Omara, my Japanese 3 teacher. :D
That's actually a wig...
... Tony's wig. LMAO!
Me & TONY... omg, hahaha.
Me & Marjorie :D
Me & Akiko! =)
Hanbete & me :)

Yeahh... okay. I already know I looked super hash today, but whatever. xP Hmm.. so after all this Hawaiian rave at school, I really miss Hawaii a whole lot more now. >_<* Oh! I didn't have a normal lunch day today, because I ate out with Akiko & Bow. :D They're so lucky they can drive! x) Ahh and now they're really convincing me to go to the Homecoming Dance. My dad won't let me though, so... bummer. xP Oh yeah, and there's this really awkward thing I found out today, hahaha. Wow. Interesting... every day something random happens. I can't wait for tomorrow... PAJAMA DAY! =)

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Busy Sunday =)

Yesterday was pretty busy for me. :) I had church in the morning, & afterwards we all ate at Coco's. =D It was pretty funny because over here in Japan, restaurants have this button that you push when you're ready to order. So... in my case, there was this coconut-shaped thing right by me, and I didn't know what it was, so I pressed it... and it went.. "Ding! Dong!" And within five seconds, there was an employee ready to take our order! NONE OF US WERE EVEN READY! x) Hahaha, everyone was like.. "Woah! Who pushed the button?!" =X My bad! LOL. :P

*Breaking News! There was just an EARTHQUAKE right now! =/ Haha, scaryyy! >.<* Anywayyy.. after we ate at Coco's, the church bretheren decided it was nice if we'd go out. So, they decided to take us to Hachinohe's Botanical Garden & Children's Land. :D It's really pretty! We walked around and took pictures, and then we went to Children's Land, which is a little carnival place for kids! I rode on those Go Cart thingies, where you get to drive around a course! :] It was my first time and I really enjoyed it! I felt like such a little kid, jumping around all happy, hahaha. x) We ended up going home at around 6pm, and we had a seafood dinner & movie night at our house. =) Goshhh, it was a really tiring day... but it was really fun! ^__^;

I'll post up pictures sometime this week. :) I have to start on my homework & clean my room. >_<* My first "real" blog is about to end. Hehe. Byeeee! :] x)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I made one too! x)

Whoo! :P I made a BlogSpot, even though I already blog from time to time on Xanga. =P I guess this will be where I blog "daily", so I'll use my Xanga to vent out emotions, like emotional downfalls or what not. Hahaha. :] Hopefully I have time to update this more than usual. ^__^; Heh, who am I kidding? I joined a bunch of online websites, & I still use ALL of them! x]

Yay! (:* I'll blog again soon... BlogSpot! *;]